

tell application "iTunes"
	set theTracksRef to a reference to the selection of front browser window
	repeat with i from 1 to count of theTracksRef
		set theTrack to item i of my theTracksRef
		set theName to the name of theTrack
		set num to the characters ((offset of "#" in theName) + 1) thru (length of theName) of theName as text
		set the episode number of theTrack to num
		set the episode ID of theTrack to "#" & episode number of theTrack & " " & episode ID of theTrack
		set the name of theTrack to the episode ID of theTrack & ""
	end repeat
end tell

動画のファイル名は "XXX_#8" という形式にしているので、 # の次の文字から末尾までを取得すれば、それがエピソード番号になる。それが下記部分。

set theName to the name of theTrack
set num to the characters ((offset of "#" in theName) + 1) thru (length of theName) of theName as text
set the episode number of theTrack to num

これで、各話タイトルを episode ID に登録さえしておけば、あとは一括して処理できる。